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Shawn S
Install ManagerBIO
Hello, my name is Shawn, and I am a lead installer here at Rocklin Heating & Air. I would first like to say thank you for allowing us to work with you. We are so grateful for the work you have given.
I started doing heating and air when I was 20 years old and I am now 39 years old. I actually have some background in whole home performance, sheet metal work, and some solar experience. My experience allows me to better help my customers in all different areas.
I graduated from Lincoln High School (home of the fighting Zebra’s). After graduating from Lincoln High, I attended Sierra College for some automotive classes and I.T.T Tech for 1 year for Cad design. So, I have been around this area for quite some time. It’s been awesome living/working here. I really enjoy how close everything this is and how clean the city of Rocklin is.
In my spare time, I enjoy working on my 1931 model A roadster, playing with my kids, and reading novels. I also enjoy leather work.
My main goal in this organization is to make money so I can provide for my family, and to hone my skills to a razor’s edge!