Does My Furnace Produce Carbon Monoxide?

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When it comes to keeping your home warm and comfortable, few things are more important than your furnace. But exactly what does your furnace produce when it’s running? Many people worry about their furnaces potentially producing dangerous toxins such as carbon dioxide – but is this a valid concern? In this blog post, we’ll be taking a closer look at whether or not your furnace produces carbon dioxide and how you can keep yourself safe while still staying warm.

Two Main Types of Furnace Models

There are two main types of furnace models: gas and electric.

Gas furnaces are a popular choice for heating homes, and they do produce carbon monoxide. An important component of these furnaces is the heat exchanger, which works by passing heated air through a metal wall. The heated air is then blown into the home or office space while the other side of the wall cools down simultaneously.

Electric furnaces keep the home warm without producing any carbon monoxide. They use electricity to heat air and send warm air through ducts to individual rooms. Known for their efficiency and ease of installation, electric furnaces require minimal maintenance and can provide steady temperatures no matter the season.

Check the Heat Exchanger on your Gas Furnace!

If you’re smelling something equivalent to burning plastic while your furnace is running, it’s possibly a rusty heat exchanger. These pieces of equipment are found in gas furnaces, and when they erode their coil—which helps transfer heat from the incoming airstream to the outgoing air stream—they can create carbon monoxide.

Ensure Your Furnace is Safe

Whether your furnace needs routine maintenance or an issue that needs to be fixed, our team at Rocklin Heating & Air is here to help! Our technicians are prepared to assist you with your gas furnace and other heating needs. Reach us at (916) 626-5151 to schedule service today!